Over time I became a better reader and then I naturally because a better writer too. By the time I was reading the great philosophers, my writing had improved in tandem, along with my reading skills and comprehension. I learned to thrive on learning things I never knew before and validate the things I knew that had never been put into words for me before. I found myself seeking books that contained great knowledge, truth and perspective. I entered a pathway of growth that has no end.
Now as I move forward with the writing of more books, I strive to always create the kind of books I want to read. Books with lessons scattered throughout and the ability to change the reader's perspective by its end, if not sooner. It is exciting for me to learn that many of the readers of my book, "Jack McAfghan: Reflections on Life with my Master" have highlighted, taken notes and read and re-read the book to discover the pearls of knowledge they may have missed the first time they read it.
Life is all about love. Life is designed to teach us to love and be loved. Sometimes we learn what we need to learn from our experiences with other people, relationships with our pets and our connection with nature. Sometimes we learn what we need to grow from the pages of a really good book. Life is the School Love is the Lesson.