Entering Death Valley
Panamint Springs Resort

The Unit -- Old but Clean and Very OK!

View from Panamint Springs
8/25/09 We just checked into the motel "resort" at Death Valley!! It is SOOOOOO strange here! And very worth a visit!!! I am tired of eating crackers and cheese and peanut butter. I am hoping she will treat us to a $15 burger at the Panamint Springs motel.
It was 39 degrees last night at June Lake and today it is only" 106 degrees in Death Valley
(they say it's normally 120!).
Death Valley --- it is like another planet --- it is so interesting but so undernourished!!!! I can't help but wonder if the ocean was once right here and the sand was the bottom and the weird cliffs were just the landforms under the water. Some of them even look like reefs. Then we passed by signage that reads "Sea Level"; parts of the Valley are 200 feet BELOW sea level. It is a strange and fascinating place!
It feels God-forsaken although there are truly loads of life forms living in the dry gray and brown nooks and crannies! Life is amazing and this place has a beauty all its own.
It was 39 degrees last night at June Lake and today it is only" 106 degrees in Death Valley
(they say it's normally 120!).
Death Valley --- it is like another planet --- it is so interesting but so undernourished!!!! I can't help but wonder if the ocean was once right here and the sand was the bottom and the weird cliffs were just the landforms under the water. Some of them even look like reefs. Then we passed by signage that reads "Sea Level"; parts of the Valley are 200 feet BELOW sea level. It is a strange and fascinating place!
It feels God-forsaken although there are truly loads of life forms living in the dry gray and brown nooks and crannies! Life is amazing and this place has a beauty all its own.
See Photos Below:
Within moments of getting through Death Valley, we merged onto the highway to Las Vegas and -- I wish we had a photo of this one --- : Elvis Presley was driving an old cadillac! We assumed he had a "gig" in Vegas. It was a strange and surreal welcome back into civilization! : )